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Loot the Castle

For Legendary Treasure!

The labyrinthian tunnels, catacombs and dungeons below Castle Die Hard are filled with untold treasures for daring adventurers.

How it works

Unlock free Loot by adding more product to your shopping cart. Loot tiers stack, so the more you shop, the more you unlock!

Uncommon Loot

Unlock Uncommon loot by adding $30 of product to your shopping cart.

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Free Shipping in USA

Unlock free shipping within the USA by adding $40 of product to your shopping cart.

Rare Loot

Spend $65, and earn a Rare treasure from the following list! Available while supplies last.

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Epic Loot

Spend $100, and earn an Epic treasure from the following list! Available while supplies last.

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Legendary Loot

Spend $130, and earn a Rare treasure from the following list! Available while supplies last.

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Mythic Loot

Spend $250, and earn a Mythic treasure from the following list! Available while supplies last.

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Unlock tiers are listed in USD.
If you are shopping with a localized currency, your cart must meet the equivalent amount in USD to trigger gift unlocks.

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